
About NFTeam

NFTeam is a company specializing in IT services. We adopt a flexible and specialized approach, thanks to our tree-like organizational structure.

We are an ambitious and forward-thinking technology company. Our name reflects our commitment to always look towards new horizons of digital innovation.

While we may not be a multinational corporation on the scale of giants like Apple or Google, our team brings together high-level talents driven by a genuine passion for new technologies. Our strength lies in our agility, creativity, and constant willingness to rethink existing solutions.

At the core of NFTeam is the Next Frontier Development Team (NFDT), our elite software development unit. Comprised of experienced and imaginative developers, this team specializes in designing applications, web platforms, and innovative computer systems.

The NFDT leverages its expertise to explore the latest technological advancements and incorporate them into tangible achievements that provide real value to our clients. Their work continuously pushes the boundaries of what is possible.

In essence, NFTeam positions itself as a dynamic and visionary player in its industry. Our talented team is dedicated to excellence, guided by a forward-thinking philosophy symbolized by ideals to strive for.

If you want to know more about the team, feel free to visit this site

coterie craft

Coterie Craft Vintage: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/coterie-craft-vintage

32x Version: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/coterie-craft-32x COTERIE CRAFT is not your traditional faithful pack, it’s not default…

Instead, it has evolved into something eye-pleasing and iconic. Call it whatever you want: lush, soft, simple, smooth, HD, cartoony… it’s whatever it needs to be to make Minecraft look like the game it ought to be.

“DEFAULT REVAMPED” is just what I call it…

Coterie Craft intends to improve the appearance and fervor of Minecraft by giving it the textures it deserves, and that goal has been preserved thanks to the efforts of those who continue to use this pack.

This pack holds its original inspiration from ExtraNoise’s QUANDARY PACK, which featured work from Bonemouse as well as myself, Cpt. Corn.


For over 10 years Coterie Craft has used ExtraNoise’s Quandary Texture Pack as a base. Since then Coterie Craft was given full rights to the author’s work. Coterie Craft has evolved into a unique package of its own with the help of our team members, Ganlolde and karst who continued the pack around 2013-2015 when I was busy as well as myself for expanding the pack to future updates and an HD release.